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How Internal Communication Motivates The Workplace

Picture of Jennifer Ayres

Jennifer Ayres

When employers are transparent about their company mission, values, and goals, employees feel more purposeful toward their work and have a more profound sense of belonging to their team. 

On Season 5, episode 5 of the Survive and Thrive podcast, host Jennifer Ayres discusses how to aid a culture of belonging through consistent internal communication.

Internal Communication Creates Belonging

We all know internal communication is important, but it’s also important to ensure communication is clear and supports workplace connection. To elaborate, internal communication occurs when a company delivers clear messaging and promotes collaboration toward a larger goal. 

Employees need to know the larger vision to be engaged with their work and team. 

According to a study by IBM, 72% of employees reported needing clarification on their company’s ultimate strategies, and 44% stated that they did not fully understand their company’s primary mission. 

This discrepancy demonstrates that poor internal communication can create confusion, hindering your staff’s ability to excel at their jobs. 

However, if your employees can visualize the why of their workplace on a macro level, they will better grasp what is needed of them and be more encouraged to meet upcoming goals. But why is internal communication such a critical motivator?

How Internal Communication Leads to “Belonging”

In today’s modern workforce, people seek employment matching their values. According to a Gallup study, only four out of ten U.S. employees agreed with the following statement, “the mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is essential.” 

Although money will always be a great motivator, employees also want their work to feel meaningful and impactful. When people believe they are part of something bigger than themselves, they will be more likely to be engaged, productive, and proud to work for their company, fostering a culture where everyone wants to belong.

Through internal communication, leaders can clarify their vision and hire staff members who share their values. With a shared mission, your employees will truly feel like a team and do their best to promote the company.

Internal Communication Strategies

Of course, there are many ways to incorporate internal communication into daily work life. 

Keep Your Employees Updated

According to a Mckinsey Global Institute Study, employee productivity increases by 20-25% when your team is well-connected. So, feel free to let your staff know when your organization reaches a significant milestone or has a new strategy for success. Use company-wide newsletters, emails, or meetings to keep everyone up-to-date, and watch as you turn information into action.

Send Out a Survey

To master internal communication, you must also learn what to do to improve. By sending out a staff-wide survey, you can gain essential feedback to address gaps in people’s knowledge or brainstorm new tactics for achieving company goals. Survey often and always anonymously. The more you understand your team, the more you can determine what you need to do for them and your business to move forward.

Support Open Communication

Open communication is critical to any productive workforce. In a healthy and safe work environment, everyone should be able to vocalize new tactics and strategies that will allow the company to expand. Ultimately, everybody benefits when employees feel comfortable verbalizing their ideas and opinions to upper management. This behavior can be modeled by leaders as well, who have much to gain from opening up communication and being receptive to new ideas.

Does Your Workplace Ready Have Effective Internal Communication?

Through consistent internal communication, employees will understand why their work matters to their organization’s bigger picture. By understanding what they are working towards, your team will feel proud of their employment, strengthening their connection to your company.

If you would like to learn more about how internal communication facilitates belonging, check out this week’s episode of the Survive and Thrive Podcast.